Along with the telescope I wanted to be able to take some pictures of the things I saw in the night sky. I'm not really worried about superb they would be, just would like to have some pictures. If I really get into astrophotography then I'd get a dedicated rig setup but for now this will do. I took a $15 Logitech webcam and removed the lens. Then I took an old pill bottle and cut it in half. The threaded part fits nicely into a 1.25" eye piece holder and when you're not using you can put the cap back on as a lens cap to keep out the dust. I used electrical tape to secure it down and help keep out the light. I'm hoping to get some pictures tonight if the weather and clouds stay clear. Here's the mod.
Dis assembly is easy. There is a plug on one side that is removed leaving a screw underneath. Remove that screw and the cam pulls apart with no force. That's it!
Here's everything not needed.

The camera minus the lens.

The camera taped to the pill bottle

And the finished product. I was looking at a mailbox by the brown truck. See if you can spot it.

And here's what I saw through the scope.
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