Sunday, November 21, 2010

Orion - Late nite pics

Here's some pictures of Orion that I took last night. The images got kinda mushy when I re-sized them, but here goes.
The constellation Orion

The constellation Orion, 5 second exposure f3.8 ISO 400

The Orion Nebula, Messier 42

The Orion Nebula, 6 second exposure f5.5 ISO 800.
here are links to the full size(big files)

Orion Nebula

Monday, November 1, 2010

Like Christmas in November

Came home today and in the mailbox was all of this!

4 out of the 5 parts ordered over the weekend. Still waiting on my UV filter but here's what I got so far.
1) The KiwiFoto adapter
Kiwi Foto Adapter

2) 58/72 mm Step up Ring
Step up ring

3) 72 mm Circular Polarizing Filter

4) 72 mm lens cap
lens cap
The lens cap just looks huge but everything came in very very fast and I am just waiting on my UV filter which should be here by tomorrow. Then it's just a few more days and I'll get the camera. I'm so ready to start shooting some pics.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fujifilm Finepix S1800 Lens Adapter

Just going to throw in a plug for this. I'm getting a special FujiFilm S1800 and want to be able to use filters and lens attachments, plus most of all I wanted it to look effin PRO! and with the help of the video(and a lot of searching) and led to an eBay buying spree. $43.00 later I have a 58mm/72mm lens filter adapter w 72mm UV filter, 72mm Circular Polarizing Filter, 72mm clip in lens cover, and a 58mm/72mm Step up ring. I'm all ready now. clicky clicky clicky

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jupiter 9/25/2010 w/GRS

Took some vids tonight and here's what I came out with. Remembered after I put everything up that I had a barlow sitting in the case that I never even thought about using. Oh well, maybe next time. Still a productive night considering I got the big dob working with the webcam quite well.

I have since touched up the image and here's the same picture enhanced.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Thought I'd share some of my Jupiter pictures taken with my webcam at prime focus on a 1200mm fl 8" dobsonian *corrected* 1000mm fl F9 4.5" newtonian. enjoy.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

International Observe The Moon Night

Long time since my last post, but since then I've gotten myself a Zhumell digiscoping adapter for 1.25" ep's. Used it tonight and had it shows promise. It is a bit on the heavy side and I'll try to find some magnets to handle it when I use it on the Zob. It's really easy to set up and works great. Here's some pictures I took.

All shots taken afocal with a 32mm and 15mm eyepiece.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

8" Dob first light

Took the dob out last night for the first time and the images were amazing. Using the finder scope was a bit of a pain. No real way to 'lock it in place'. Maybe there is and I just don't know. Did manage to get the 4.5" collimated, finally, with the help of the laser. The images are the best yet the little scope has produced. I'm quite amazed at it's ability. Of course I have had to do a lot of little work to it in order for it to get working correctly. Like fixing the focuser to keep it from wiggling. Making sure the collimation screws were loose enough to work with, and so on. In the end the 8" is awesome and the 4.5" was impressive. Good night over all.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

No seeing for me

Well I got the new scope almost 2 weeks ago but have only had it out 2 times. The weather has been bad or I've been away from the house. The one other night I brought it out the mirror fogged over and it was completely useless. Kinda sucks since I was really hoping to use it tonight. Well maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Logitech C200 modded for telescope

Along with the telescope I wanted to be able to take some pictures of the things I saw in the night sky. I'm not really worried about superb they would be, just would like to have some pictures. If I really get into astrophotography then I'd get a dedicated rig setup but for now this will do. I took a $15 Logitech webcam and removed the lens. Then I took an old pill bottle and cut it in half. The threaded part fits nicely into a 1.25" eye piece holder and when you're not using you can put the cap back on as a lens cap to keep out the dust. I used electrical tape to secure it down and help keep out the light. I'm hoping to get some pictures tonight if the weather and clouds stay clear. Here's the mod.

Dis assembly is easy. There is a plug on one side that is removed leaving a screw underneath. Remove that screw and the cam pulls apart with no force. That's it!

Here's everything not needed.

The camera minus the lens.

The camera taped to the pill bottle

And the finished product. I was looking at a mailbox by the brown truck. See if you can spot it.

And here's what I saw through the scope.

Red dot sight rail

I got a nice Father's Day present this year, a Celestron Astromaster 114EQ. I've had it about 4 days now and still haven't been able to use it but I'm hoping that tonight will be better and I can go out. While it's a nice scope the red dot finder isn't that great, although I've only used it once and I really should give a second chance. Well I've added a sight rail to the scope and mounted a Daisy red dot sight. Pretty easy to do and cost less than $10 altogether. Here's the build:

Materials include 1/4" threaded rod, 9/32" aluminum tubing, and 1/2" brass sheet.

The Daisy red dot sight taken from my old paintball gun.

The brass plate

Aluminum tubing cut to 'sleeve' the threaded rod.

The finished product.

My wife said it was a nice build so I think I didn't do half bad. Hope you enjoy.

Back... again..

It's been almost a year and a lot has happened. Time to start adding stuff again. Time to get back running. Time to get back cycling. Time to get into my latest hobby, amateur astronomy. So I'll be updating more often now.